Oh The Places We'll Go
This weekend was special, more than others, because of the random and not so random events that occurred. Friday all the girls but Carly and I, headed down to Utah County to spend some time with friends and family and we were left with empty apartments. Since the weather was especially glorious, we decided to take a little jaunt over the local " Cement Jungle" and take a little look. It's a Logan must and it was worth seeing at least once.

It was such an amazing experience and we got seven temples done in eight hours , did over 70 names, and had a blast doing it. Each time a temple came in to view, I was overcome with the spirit and felt such a deep love for temples and the gospel. Never have I even been more proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Plus I got to do it with one of my closest friend in the whole wide world and that made it a million times better. As we approached every destination I couldn't help but hum the tune " I love to see the temple" and realize how true that simple hymn is.
Saturday was the really party though because it was our temple trip! Carly and I were hitting 7 temples on our way down to her house ( Yes I said 7!) and we couldn't be more excited. We were out and leaving our apartment by 6 am and we headed to our first temple. We were going to Logan, Brigham, Bountiful, Salt Lake, Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain, and Draper. Logan is like home to us and almost no one was there so we were in and out in less than a half an hour. Brigham took a little longer, but it was worth it. It's such a beautiful temple and had such a spirit with it. Bountiful was just drop dead gorgeous and the set up was much like my home town temple, Mt. Timpanogos. Salt Lake was the most anticipated because I had always toured the grounds, but never been inside. It's such an amazing temple and the detail and meanings in every inch of that temple is astounding and inspiring. Jordan River was special to in that Carly would go every week with her sister and it was practically empty, so we took as much time as we could and soaked it all in. Oquirrh Mountain was stunning, it's only about 5 years old. The Draper Temple was our final and one of my favorite temples. I had been to the open house but not since they had dedicated it. By now it's around 2:30 in the afternoon, so no one was in sight. At one point ,one of the workers pointed out to us it that some of these people have been waiting almost 200 years to have their work done. This surprised me because I had never really thought of it that way.

It was such an amazing experience and we got seven temples done in eight hours , did over 70 names, and had a blast doing it. Each time a temple came in to view, I was overcome with the spirit and felt such a deep love for temples and the gospel. Never have I even been more proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Plus I got to do it with one of my closest friend in the whole wide world and that made it a million times better. As we approached every destination I couldn't help but hum the tune " I love to see the temple" and realize how true that simple hymn is.
I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.
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