To blog or not to blog? That is the question.

I finally caved and decided to restart my blog, after years of the poor thing gathering dust. My roommates Megan and Nicole have one so I decided to jump back onto the bandwagon and give it one more try. So here it is, the moments that matter to me and memories that depict my adventures with my crazy, amazing roommates. 

I realize this may not be the most ideal timing to restart my blog, seeing that it's the middle of october and half way through the semester, but hey, better now than ever. So I'll start with this past weekend and my date with a guy named Riley Watts.
(Yes, I am really short and he is really tall. Get over  it).
I was anticipating this date all week and spent a good chunk of time getting ready on friday. He had invited me to his friends' wedding reception and I had the perfect outfit planned. You would think that one should wear dress clothes to a wedding reception, so I planned a cute cardigan that I had just gotten and was eager to show off.Add a black pencil skirt with heels and I was looking pretty good, if I say so myself. So when the knock on the door came at 6:30, I peeked around the corner of the door to see Riley, and to my sheer panic saw that he wasn't wearing the expected dress clothes. I quickly booked into my room and slammed the door. Thankfully my roommate Megan was cool as a cucumber and suggested that I switch out the skirt for skinny's and my riding boots. After two minutes of rushing around I stepped out of my room, calm and collective. He gave me a hug and we started down the stairs and towards his car. My roommates stopped us and forced us to pose for a couple of pictures, and once that was over we headed out. He teased me about changing and I got on him for not dressing up for a wedding reception. But once we got into the reception, boy was I glad I wasn't wearing a skirt. It was a small gathering and dressy casual was common, so I felt better about it. But I quickly forgot about the dress thing and worried about the " I have no clue who any of these people are" thing. After a quick (and quite awkward) pass through the greeting line, we quickly went out an open door and booked it for his car. We laughed as we were driving off and headed towards the local cold stone where we had first met (that's a whole other story). We spent the next hour and half eating our ice cream and quizzing each other with totally random questions. Some things that I learned is that he has over 30 pairs of shoes, his favorite color is red, and has broken his nose 3 times. It was around 8pm and time for our dinner reservation. We swung by our apartment to pick up my roommate Lindsie and her date Brandon (who is also Riley's best friend). We drove down to the restaurant called The Elements. It's this fancy little place, that makes classic but delicious American dishes. I ordered Oven Baked Mac n' Cheese, but was still full from the ice cream that I struggled to finish it. Fast forward an hour and a half and we were headed to the movie theater to see The Saratov Approach. It's about two LDS missionaries serving in Russia who are taken captive and held for ransom. It's based on a true story and it was very touching, it  brought tears to my eyes. Such an amazing testament to the power of missionary work and the power of prayer. The sky was clear when we came out of the theater and you could see the stars scattered across the sky. One of my all time favorite things to do is star gazing, and Riley, being a good listener, suggested that we should go find a place to star gaze. We grabbed a bunch of blankets and headed up towards the mountains, where we found a bit of land to lay on. It was up higher, so you could see the valley and lights of the city, but far enough that the lights weren't blocking the stars. It was amazing to lay back and just stare up at the sky, seeing the black sky scattered with little stars, shining and flickering. We even saw a shooting star fly across the sky. But since it's the middle of october and Logan is just plain cold to begin with, we had to retire early and hope we didn't lose our fingers to frostbite. So that was my date with Riley! Not how I had imagined the date going at all, but I still had a blast with him and hope to continue our adventures.
Well here concludes my first post. How did I do? Let us all hope that I am able to keep up with my posts and keep my blog alive. In our apartment, crazy things are always happening, so expect a new post soon. See Ya next time!


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