A little thing called Wifi...

Who knew how far behind you could get in four months when you don't have wifi... that's right, you heard me. Brad and I moved into our brand-spanking-new townhouse 2 days after we got back after our honeymoon and almost exactly 4 months later, we FINALLY got wifi. Can I get an Amen anyone?? You don't realize how much you use wifi until you don't have it and have to use the McDonalds up the street to register for classes and check your email.
But we're finally back and so is our Netflix, so there is a lot to be grateful for. A lot has changed since I wrote last, so I'm hoping this blog will give me a kick in the pants and I can get better at recording all the exciting things that are happening in our lives. I gave up writing in a journal a long time ago mainly because it took forever and I would write the bare minimum just for the sake of saying that I wrote. But this is going to be different and I'm excited to share what's going on in the Phister's world.

1. We finally got married back on March 4th and we are loving the married life.  The only adjustment that I struggled with is sharing a bed, mainly because I sleep pretty spread out. Brad turns a lot when he sleeps and sharing the comforter is a constant battle, so I had a couple of rocky, sleepless nights at first. Brad woke me up in the middle of the night last week because I was dreaming and was punching him in my sleep ha. Love ya babe lol. But everything else has been great and we love all the new experiences we are having together.

2. We got a dog!!!!! We got a 9 year old Corgi named Gus about a month and a half after we were married and he has quickly become part of the family. He was a farm dog his whole life, so the whole in-door dog thing has been adjustment for every one. I keep telling Brad that this is all training for when we have kids in a couple of years and he just rolls his eyes every time. But whether he wants to admit it or not, Gus is his bud and they like to cuddle when I'm not looking. I've been dreaming about having a Corgi before Brad and I even started dating, so its been a dream come true and so much fun. He's a cute, crazy, fluffy thing and we love him like crazy.

I wish I could say that we were having all of these crazy adventures and traveling all over the place, but in reality we are just working so Gus can have a nice life.... haha. Brad is still loving his job at Camp Chef and I'm working for the Logan Street Department and getting the worst tan lines of my life. We were able to travel to Colorado for a Camp Chef event and went camping for a night with our neighbors......... and that's it ha. Nothing too exciting over here, but it's always fun to come home to Gus and Brad and simply relax without the stress of school and focus on us :)


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