We all dream of the day we say "I Do" and for my oldest sister, that day had finally come. She was marrying the guy of her dreams and we couldn't more excited for her. She was up at the crack of dawn with flawless hair and make up done before the time I even was thinking of getting up. They were soon off to the Timpanogos Temple and Krist, Karly and I were left to gather everyone else and head over later. Our preparation time was cut even shorter as we were informed that they would be done much earlier than expected. Not only did we have to finish ourselves getting ready, but wake up, feed, dress our two year niece. All in the span of 15 minutes. Needless to say, some things were sacrificed, (Carrie may have had some bed head and a slightly rumpled dress) but we made it!
We all sped walked through the parking lot and Kristi and I wormed our way through the crowd to get the front, cameras ready. I could see them faintly through the glass and was bouncing in my seat. But finally they came out and we all cheered. You could see the pure joy in their faces and I got to admit, my eyes got a little misty. No one else deserved happiness more than them and now they finally were married for all of time and eternity.
The day got better from there and we had a lot of fun with close family and friends. We even did the traditional trash the car with balloons, car paint, and a lot of oreo's. The two lovebirds were off and the rest of us crashed for a few hours. Welcome to our crazy family Shaun and I can't to see the new adventures that await the new Mrs and Mr Johnson. I only hope one day that I'm able to find a guy just as great and marry him for eternity. I Love Love!!!
I'm sorry, who has the most gorgeous sister ever?! |
Mr and Mrs. Johnson! |
I had to add this picture because this may just be the cutest baby on the face of this earth. |
The Two Nieces ( Carrie wouldn't take her finger out of her mouth) |
The Whole Gang. Welcome to the Family Shaun! |
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